Take a minute and #ActOnClimate today. There is no Planet B.


As a nonprofit, we depend on the financial support of donors like you! Your contributions help us build more climate-resilient communities across the state. Gifts keep GIPL growing and give hope to our state and planet!.


  • Under the bold leadership of the current Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and every Member of Congress who led the fight to pass the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)—the largest climate investment in the history of the United States—we have made significant progress on climate. This includes stronger standards that will reduce harmful pollution driving climate change and 33 investments in clean energy projects in Georgia totaling $14.64 billion, many in rural and underserved communities. But this progress is under attack. Sign the petition below to call on Congress to Defend Our Climate!


  • Approximately 80-100 miles off the Georgia coast lies the largest known deep-water coral reef on Earth, in a part of the Atlantic Ocean known as Blake Plateau. The continuous 300-mile-long dense coral highway dubbed “Million Mounds” supports a trove of biodiversity. As industries look farther offshore for fishing, fossil fuel development, and mineral extraction, ensuring the continuation of this vital ecological community will require dedicated attention and increased conservation measures. Advocate for permanent protections within the Blake Plateau!