Federal Advocacy

Make a Difference on a National Level

Defend Our Climate

Under the bold leadership of the current Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and every Member of Congress who led the fight to pass the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)–the largest climate investment in the history of the United States–we have made significant progress on climate. This includes stronger standards that will reduce harmful pollution driving climate change and 33 investments in clean energy projects in Georgia totaling $14.64 billion, many in rural and underserved communities. But this progress is under attack. Sign the petition below to call on Congress to Defend Our Climate!

Bajo el liderazgo audaz de la Administración actual, de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) y de todos los miembros del Congreso que lideraron la lucha para aprobar la Ley para la Reducción de la Inflación (IRA)—la inversión en el clima más grande en la historia de Estados Unidos—hemos logrado avances climáticos significativos. Esto incluye estándares más estrictos que reducirán la contaminación nociva que impulsa el cambio climático y inversiones en proyectos de energía limpia en Georgia por un total de 14.640 millones de dólares, muchos en comunidades rurales y desatendidas. Pero este progreso está bajo ataque. ¡Firme esta petición para pedir al Congreso que defienda nuestro clima!

This year, GIPL is launching our inaugural Summer of Advocacy, providing the opportunity for community members to take their advocacy and action for our Common Home to the next level! Whether you're encouraging your senators to Defend Our Climate through grassroots petitions or showing up for a volunteer visibility event at their office, this summer will be like no other! 


As a Summer of Advocacy participant, you’ll receive tools and training on how to:

  • Schedule and hold meetings with a target lawmaker

  • Participate in grassroots lobbying and petition call

  • Amplify your advocacy with in-person and virtual visibilities! 

Let’s rise to the challenge of connecting our faith, our communities, and our planet by organizing, and advocating on issues of climate change, environmental justice, and community resilience.

Solutions For Pollution

Working in partnership with the Climate Action Network and other Environmental Justice organizations, GIPL seeks proactive “Solutions to Pollution.” The Biden Administration promised to address the climate crisis holistically by cutting climate contamination in half by 2030. We are working to ensure they live up to this promise by focusing advocacy in four main areas: energy, climate, health, and justice.

Clean energy can't wait! Solar, wind, and other home-grown renewable energy sources have the capacity to power America into the future, creating good-paying jobs and bolstering energy independence.

Our climate can't wait! From more intense and frequent hurricanes, worsening flooding, raging wildfires, and deadly droughts, communities across the country are feeling the impacts of the climate crisis now. Every second we delay action costs lives and dollars.

Our health can't wait! Cleaner air and water means healthier people who live longer. Removing environmental toxins like soot is imperative.

Environmental justice can't wait! All of this is a matter of justice, bringing results to low-income communities and communities of color that have been historically overburdened by pollution.

Find and Contact Your Elected Officials